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In 2024, how to use Mac more elegantly


Surprisingly, the article I wrote last month, “How to Elegantly Use Windows PC in 2024”, received a homepage recommendation from the minority faction. Thank you again for everyone's encouragement and support; this article will discuss Mac.

My career began as a 3D designer, primarily using Windows PCs, so I haven't actually used a Mac for many years. My interest in Mac stems purely from my love for Apple's design and high-quality screens. The first Mac I encountered was a 15-inch MacBook Pro sponsored by my parents after I graduated from university in 2014, featuring a fourth-generation i7 processor and a configuration of 16 + 512 G. Unfortunately, it was stolen after less than six months, and I didn't get to experience OS X Mavericks much. At that time, there was no Touch ID unlock, and Apple's service for recovering lost devices in China was not well developed, so I couldn't get it back. Well, my first impression of Mac was that it was expensive and easy to steal. image

After resigning, I went to study in Thailand and bought my second Mac, a 2017 MacBook Air, with money earned from freelance work. This was also the last Mac designed with the involvement of Steve Jobs, primarily used for writing papers and organizing photos. After three years of graduate study, I truly experienced the rock-solid stability of Mac and decided to try buying a Pro to integrate it into my workflow.

During this time, due to the low price and high configuration of Intel Macs, I also tinkered with a Hackintosh solution to test whether my workflow could run smoothly, and by the end of it, I felt like I was becoming half a programmer.

Fast forward to 2021, when the M1 series MacBook Pro was released, I decisively purchased one, and it has been one of my main machines ever since. This article is based on my experience with this device, running macOS Ventura.

Mac seems to have "elegance" ingrained in its DNA, stemming from the ultimate unity of hardware and software, which has become even more pronounced after adopting self-developed chips. However, no matter how elegant a tool is, it depends on how one uses it; using a scalpel to unpack a delivery is ultimately not very appropriate. This also reminds me of the confusion I felt when I saw a refined white-collar worker at Starbucks proudly displaying the glowing Apple logo, only to find that the screen was running Windows 7.

A tool designed to be easy to use is only natural. To achieve "elegance," I still adhere to consistent principles:

Simple and Intuitive: The tools chosen should be easy to use, with a clear and straightforward interface. Adaptable and Flexible: The tools chosen should be adjustable and customizable according to different needs. Integration and Compatibility: The tools chosen should easily integrate seamlessly with other tools and platforms. Cross-Platform Synchronization: The tools chosen should synchronize across multiple devices and platforms.

During my usage, I found that even a Mac with exceptional taste (as old Jobs would say) can struggle with relatively heavy workflows involving 3D, video, graphics, animation, games, and CG art. Most of the time, it's due to a plugin not being developed for macOS, and occasionally, there are compatible options that are not native applications. The most severe limitation is that machines equipped with M-series chips cannot connect to external GPUs; if you want to use CUDA for 3D graphics acceleration, you have to go back to using Windows.

Therefore, I use Mac primarily for light to moderate projects, during which I have summarized some ideas, practical tips, and tools to share with you.

Initial Setup and Optimization#

Similar to Windows PCs, when you get a new Mac or reinstall the system, there's no need to rush to install software. I won't elaborate on Apple ID; anyone buying a Mac would be wasting it if they don't register and log in. Here are my habitual basic settings.

Basic Settings#

Unlike PCs, I almost never delete the built-in applications from Apple, even if I don't use some of them, as they can be opened for reference on visual details when working on UI design-related projects; they serve as ready reference cases.

When not using an external monitor, I prefer to hide the Dock to maximize screen space.

Regarding system settings, I won't list the common ones, but there are a few uncommon yet useful features.

For example:

  1. In System Settings ➡️ Select the connected Wi-Fi ➡️ Click on Details, you can turn off "Limit IP Address Tracking." The benefit is that images can automatically load in emails without needing to load them manually each time.


  1. In System Settings ➡️ Accessibility ➡️ Pointer Control, click on the Trackpad option to enable three-finger drag. This allows you to drag windows or files without needing to click. Personally, I find it very convenient not to have to click when there's no mouse.


  1. If you're using a backup restore for the first time or after reinstalling the system, it's recommended to temporarily disable Spotlight and exclude external disks you don't want indexed in "Spotlight Privacy." Otherwise, indexing hundreds of gigabytes of files can consume a lot of CPU resources, and you can enable it again during idle times as needed.



  1. If you have connected a Xiaomi printer, go to Printers & Scanners ➡️ Select the connected printer ➡️ Options & Supplies ➡️ Show Printer and Webpage, allowing you to view various service statuses of the printer directly in your browser. Other brands may also have this feature, so it's worth trying.



  1. Screen trigger corners: Designers generally keep their hands on the mouse and rarely use the trackpad, making this a practical feature comparable to keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures. In System Settings ➡️ Desktop & Dock ➡️ Hot Corners (at the bottom), you can set different functions to trigger when the mouse moves to the four corners. My settings are shown in the image below.


  1. Content caching: In System Settings ➡️ General ➡️ Sharing, you can enable "Content Caching" to choose to cache iCloud files locally and share them with other Apple devices on the local network. This way, you don't occupy much local space while saving a lot of download time. By clicking the "Options" next to it, you can also set the cache location and space usage. It's not recommended to choose "Cache all files," as that would include system update packages from other devices; it's best to download iOS updates directly on the corresponding devices.


Performance Optimization and Power Management#

In terms of performance, the only thing I find necessary to pay attention to with Arm architecture Macs is whether the software itself is a native application. You can click the Apple logo in the top left ➡️ hold the option key ➡️ System Information ➡️ Applications, and in the "Kind" column at the top right, you can click to sort. Generally, there will be four types: Apple Chip, Universal, iOS, and Intel, with performance ranging from strong to less strong (but not weak).


For lightweight applications, the performance impact of using traditional Intel-type apps is negligible, but for professional applications involving intensive calculations, the performance impact is quite noticeable. It's best to check if an Arm architecture version exists before installation.

On the other hand, macOS's power management is already top-notch, and there's no need to sacrifice experience for a little battery life and endurance. I don't have any special tricks for settings, just one principle—continuously optimize the workflow to complete work as quickly as possible. The logic is very simple: when using the MacBook on battery power, in over 90% of usage scenarios, the biggest power consumer is not the CPU but the screen, so you can turn off the screen once the work is done. It may sound like a "correct waste of words," right? But it's this principle that has resulted in my battery cycling 82 times, with a maximum capacity remaining at 98%. Just charge it as needed without overthinking it.


Startup Items#

macOS startup items are similar to those on PCs, divided into software-specific settings and global settings. I personally recommend modifying the global settings first. The location is in System Settings ➡️ General ➡️ Login Items.


Memory and Junk File Cleanup#

Laptops generally don't have as much RAM as desktop PCs, so I pay attention to memory usage when working with macOS. I don't understand system architecture, but I can share my real experience.

Since Macs now use a unified memory architecture (where memory is also used as video memory), macOS is not as aggressive in memory management compared to Windows. Especially with browsers, there have been a few times when I was using professional software and a browser simultaneously, and it showed high memory pressure. I just needed to manually clear Safari's cache to free up a considerable amount of memory. First, you need to enable the developer feature in Safari, and then a "Develop" option will appear in the menu bar; select "Empty Caches," which can generally clear 2-3G instantly.



If you want to free up more space, you can use Privacy ➡️ Manage Website Data ➡️ Remove All. However, this will also cause Safari to "forget" your related settings and login status for these websites.

When using Windows, I rarely cleaned up so-called "junk files," and the same goes for using macOS. Previously, I used Tencent Lemon Cleaner for a while and found that the large files were mostly WeChat cache, trash, and browser cache. So I hardly used these software afterward. The few times I did were when using relatively obscure professional software, where the leftover cache files were a hassle to clean manually, as you couldn't modify the paths, and the paths were deeply hidden with high permission requirements.

Mainstream design software can generally set corresponding cache paths, such as Adobe's Photoshop, Illustrator, AE, and PR, where you can find related settings in preferences. For 3D applications like C4D, ZBrush, Rhino, Unity, etc., there are even more detailed settings. When doing design work, I usually connect an external SSD and set these cache paths to a folder named "Cache" in the root directory of the hard drive, which I can clear directly after completing the work.


Overall, shortcuts are not applicable to my main work scenarios. The only one I have kept is “Battery Life”, which was synced from the iOS side. Its principle is very simple; you need to enable the "Logs & Analytics" feature in settings, so the system will record usage logs (for about one to two weeks), which include battery cycle counts and peak capacity. This shortcut can extract this data and save it as a separate file.

In fact, I only use it to observe whether the battery is degrading normally right after buying a new device or updating the system; if there are no major issues, I won't use it again.


Shortcuts can actually be explored in many ways, but the only downside is cross-platform compatibility. If you don't have your own server set up, it's hard to link with Windows and Android devices, but achieving that would already be far from "shortcut." Therefore, I strongly recommend third-party services like IFTTT (if this then that) for beginners; it's very powerful and stable, and I'm still exploring it. Once I have some results, I'll share them. If you have better solutions, feel free to share in the comments.

Directory Structure and File Management#

As mentioned in my previous article, “Flowing Programs, Iron Data”, I have established core principles for directory structure and file management:

Do not add categories unless necessary: The premise is that this classification can be exhaustive; for example, commonly used file types are nothing more than documents, images, videos, compressed files, installation packages, etc., but formats are countless. Complete archiving within one minute: I've seen many people know that archiving is important, but few can stick to it for a year. Many times, after finishing work, they are already frustrated and exhausted, so who has the energy to bother with that? In fact, if you really do a good job of categorizing, archiving in one minute is a natural thing. Try to use English/Pinyin + date numbers for naming: This is a professional habit because many professional applications only recognize English paths, and some fonts do not support Chinese and will display garbled characters. Important files should be backed up once a week, both hot and cold. You can skip organizing, but please make sure to back up for world peace.

These principles remain steadfast to this day, and more specific operational methods can be read in the original text. Of course, rules may evolve with the workflow, and if there are significant changes in the future, I will write another introduction if it remains stable and useful.

macOS and Windows differ in system-level file management due to differences in system design philosophy, but this does not affect how we manage directories and files. For example, in my view, macOS is designed more reasonably than Windows in terms of file display and viewing methods, with column, tree hierarchy, and gallery views making file organization more efficient, while Windows requires third-party software like Q-Dir to achieve similar results.

It's also worth mentioning that in almost any window in macOS, double-clicking the top will automatically adjust the window size based on the content displayed, rather than maximizing it. When the mouse pointer moves to the edge of the window, double-clicking will also expand it to the edge of the screen in that direction. Additionally, in Finder (which I still prefer to call it), you can use Ctrl + J to open display options, adjusting file name font size, calculating the size of all objects, and other settings, which is very practical.


However, the ultimate goal of file management is to make it easier for your future self to find them. Therefore, regardless of the platform used, the more important thing is standardized naming, both for folders and files. I believe there are three relatively scientific naming ideas:

  1. P.A.R.A Theory, proposed by productivity expert Tiago Forte, which has many introductions online.
  2. Files on devices can be divided into two main categories: those I participated in creating and those created by others that are valuable.
  3. Combining the above two points, execute uniformly.

How to implement this can be freely developed according to your working style. I believe, and have tried, that spending some time on this will definitely save you more time in the future.

Efficient Workflow and Common Software#

Regardless of the device used, it revolves around a corresponding workflow to complete tasks, and only then do we consider which tools to choose for each step. Ultimately, continuously iterating and refining the workflow through these tools and experiences is my consistent philosophy.

Multitasking and Virtual Desktops#

Ventura has added a foreground scheduling feature for multitasking. Analyzing from a design perspective, this feature is similar to window combinations in Windows. However, it hasn't achieved the same intuitiveness as Windows, which I may not be accustomed to, as I still don't understand its usage scenarios.

As I write this, I specifically opened it again to try it out, and I prefer to choose an external monitor, virtual desktops, or iPad Sidecar. Fortunately, macOS Sequoia has finally added this feature, so wouldn't foreground scheduling be even more awkward?


Some commonly used shortcuts:

Command + Space: Invoke global search

Alt + Tab: Quickly switch foreground applications

Ctrl + ⬆️: Open the scheduling center; you can click the plus sign in the upper right corner to create a new virtual desktop

Ctrl + ⬅️/➡️: Switch virtual desktops

Cross-Platform Collaboration#

Using both Mac and Windows PCs, you will inevitably encounter issues with cross-platform data synchronization. As is well known, macOS can only read NTFS-formatted disks but cannot write to them. Windows requires third-party software to read and write Mac disks. The only disk format that allows simultaneous read and write is exFAT, but this format is quite old and not particularly stable, making it less than elegant when frequently plugging and unplugging hard drives.

For beginners, lightweight use still recommends choosing official cloud synchronization services from major companies like iCloud or OneDrive, which are worry-free. The downside is that it can easily lead to being trapped in an ecosystem; the more data you store, the more you consume. For larger files, you can use SMB for file sharing and transfer over the local network.

For heavy users like me, with many large design materials and project files, a project typically starts at least 50G. Therefore, the solution I am currently working on is a DIY NAS running a PVE system. I use Syncthing for local file synchronization, NextCloud for a personal cloud, Calibre for managing e-books and other documents, and ShellCrash for additional magic, along with WordPress to learn how to build websites, and I'm still researching tiny-rss.

The machine configuration is shown in the image below; in fact, the i3 CPU is already overkill. Excluding the storage disk, the cost is less than 800 yuan, and it has run for over a year without any issues except for power outages, making it easy to expand and maintain in the future.


This effectively gives you your own data center, ignoring any system limitations. With a 2500 Mbps internal network speed, the Mac can even directly access high-definition video materials stored in this NAS, allowing you to edit videos while lounging on the sofa.

Of course, there are many ready-made NAS products available on the market, but they offer relatively lower freedom and cost-effectiveness. The advantage is that they are plug-and-play and require no tinkering. Some even support Mac's native "Time Machine" backup.

With Apple's software ecosystem, the built-in applications can handle over 80% of my lightweight tasks. Here are some third-party apps I use; due to space constraints, I won't go into detail about their usage.

Hidden Bar: Allows selective hiding of top menu bar icons, open-source and free.

Stats: System status monitoring, open-source and free.

uTools: Previously introduced. A quick launch bar, compact, with many plugins and rich features; the free version is sufficient. You can get a 30-day trial membership.

AppCleaner: Uninstall tool, extremely compact and lightweight, free.

LocalSend: Peer-to-peer cross-platform file transfer in offline environments, open-source and free.

IINA: Possibly the best video player on Mac, open-source and free.

NeoSever: Possibly the best server monitoring application on Mac, free and universal on Apple platforms.

Reeder: RSS reading tool, available on all Apple platforms; purchase requires a US Apple ID.

HomeBrew: A package manager running in the terminal, which can be understood as a third-party App Store. To make installation easier for myself, I created a small script for one-click installation, open-source and free.


Thanks to Mac's excellent hardware-software unified design and complete ecosystem, these software may be doing more of a finishing touch. Coupled with beautiful UI and strict quality reviews, third-party applications tend to be of higher quality than those on the Windows platform.

Our ultimate goal in using tools is to complete work faster, and completing work faster allows us to enjoy life better. Every platform or program with market share must have its reason for existence, as it must address some pain points for certain people. Therefore, I have never been entangled in which platform is superior; as a designer, I believe in learning what I don't know and creating what doesn't exist. I hope this article can bring you a different perspective.

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