

数字艺术 / 视觉设计 / 技术分享 / 知识管理

I still don't know

Every time you do something in a different style, you have to find a lot of references according to other people's requirements or your own ideas.

Most of these references are images, some modern, some ancient, the only commonality being that they come from a very primitive concept, representing the interpretation of the world and oneself by a small group of people in a specific era.
Today is already an era of images (videos are also moving images), which particularly obscures people's thinking, especially the concept of just a few words. Reading just a few words on the screen makes it so easy to correspond with your own life. Perhaps the way information is obtained and the channels are too convenient, causing people's behavior of viewing information to be very casual.

Knowing more does not mean more penetrating decision-making and behavior, and the resulting consequences.

Today, when we understand the content of a work, we will first assign it a drawer, with rich labels attached to the drawer, indicating who did it, when it was done, where it was done, and what method was used to do it. These are called the background knowledge.

Under the premise that one must have even a little background knowledge, people will continue to understand the content from a sensory level. If you go directly to the senses, people usually will not trust their feelings.

For example, you may start to love music that you were not interested in before because of a movie or game.

When accepting information, of course, background knowledge is necessary, but ultimately it will return to the pure sensory level. The difficult part is how to switch between these two states smoothly.

For example, when listening to music, the music itself has genres, styles, eras, composers... all of which are background knowledge. When you feel moved by a melody or lyrics of a song, you will naturally look for similar music based on these background knowledge labels. Software recommendation algorithms also use this as a reference to guess what you might want to listen to next.

However, besides lyrics and melody (actually, I think melody includes lyrics, not understanding English when I was young did not affect my liking for Linkin Park), I think there is something else that touches people, which is the sound quality of the instruments themselves. This is the pure sensory level, and I believe that great works will ultimately bring people back to the pure sensory level, so pure that you cannot describe it, at most share it with friends and let them try it too. In the pure sensory experience, you will completely forget about all the things you knew before. Because this feeling is so new, new to the point of breaking through your cognition, new to the point where you cannot understand but are greatly shocked.

It is difficult to say whether this feeling is brought by the work itself or by yourself. What can be confirmed is that they are both generated, changed, and extinguished in this time and space. I am sure that if the feeling brought by the work is one, the part I generate myself is also one, then at that moment, one plus one is definitely greater than two.

As for the rest, I still don't know.

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